Cost is a significant consideration for many clients and it is important to know what funding and financial support is available to you. Currently in Western Australia the main funding body for amputees is WALSA (Western Australian Limb Service of Amputees), with the government looking to implement the WA NDIS (Western Australia National Disability Insurance Scheme) on 1st July 2017.
Western Australian Limb Service of Amputees (WALSA)
WALSA has been established to provide prosthetic devices to eligible Australian residents. An individual qualifies for a prosthesis under the WALSA scheme if they have a limb deficiency as a result of an amputation or from birth.
Provided that they are a permanent resident of Australia and hold or appear on a Medicare card and they have not received and are not entitled to receive, compensation or damages for the incident which led to their limb deficiency.
For more information contact WALSA on 1300 884 903 or VISIT THE WALSA WEBSITE
With the roll out of the National Disability Scheme from 1st July 2017 many amputees who were previously funded by WALSA will need to apply to WA NDIS for funding. Please contact the staff at TLCU who can provide help and guidance throughout this process.
Western Australia National Disability Insurance Scheme (WA NDIS)
This scheme is a new way of providing individualised support for people with permanent and significant disability, their family and carers.
The WA NDIS is due to commence on 1 July 2017 for people with disability, up to the age of 65.
Is this scheme right for you?
Are you under the age of 65? | Do you have a permanent disability? | Will you require support for the rest of your life?
More information can be found on NDIS WEBSITE or through contacting WA NDIS on 1800 800 110.
Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)
Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) provides prosthetic and orthotic services for veterans, war widows/widowers and dependents entitled to clinically required treatment under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986, for eligible Gold and White Card holders.
For more information contact DVA General Enquiries 133 254.
Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA)
Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA) provides motor vehicle cover to all motor vehicle owners and drivers of WA registered vehicles from 1st July 2016. Prosthetic and orthotic devices maybe included in your claim.
For more information contact 9264 3333.
Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP)
Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) is a state wide scheme for the provision of equipment and home modifications to benefit people with a long-term disability living at home in the community. You must meet all off the following criteria to be eligible for CAEP funding; have a permanent disability, need significant ongoing help and permanently reside in Western Australia. Please be aware while you may be eligible there is no automatic entitlement to services.
For more information VISIT DISABILITY.WA.GOV.AU
Private Funding
Clients that have received a settlement resulting from an accident or work cover claim, will require full
payment prior to commencing any prosthetic treatment.
Third Party Insurance/Workers Compensation
Clients that have had a motor vehicle accident or the loss of a limb due to trauma, may be eligible for third party funding. Some of the third parties TLCU currently work with include but are not limited to:
Insurance Commission of WA | ComCare | TIO | QBE Insurance
We understand there is a lot of information to process. Our team breakdown these complex schemes and work with you to find the best payment plan possible.