TLCU uses the latest in manufacturing technologies from around the world.
Whilst our clinicians have experience in both traditional methods of ‘Plaster of Paris’ casting and 3D colour digital scanning, digital scanning is fast becoming the preferred method. This method involves using a white light 3D colour scanner and highly specialised CADCAM software to capture an image of the limb digitally on screen. A robot then mills the shaped form out of polyurethane foam which is used to custom make your device. We use a combination of thermoplastic drapes and 3D printed check sockets depending on our client needs. In addition to traditional Super Skin and foam cosmetic covers, we have a range of modern cosmetic options available from Alleles Prosthetic Leg Covers to Nextt Flex Covers.
Our goal is to become a ‘Plaster-of-Paris-less’ clinic!
If you would like to talk to our team about working with 3d scans or digital pictures feel free to call today.

“Ok I admit it I am a techno freak! Perth may be one of the most remote cities in the world but my
passion is for TLCU to be a leader in cutting edge technologies in our field. I can confidently say TLCU
is the most technologically advanced P&O facility in Australia and we continue to improve.”
Mark Hills – Owner and Director
Nowadays modern practices use digital technology to capture the shape of the remaining limb or the limb that needs supporting. We use scanning technology that allows less than .5mm room for error.
The design processes TLCU use are:
TLCU will scan and capture the shape of the remaining limb or the limb that needs supporting
Your scans will be sent to a robot milling machine, which will then create an accurate foam positive
The team uses that foam positive as a base to then create a personalised device
The device will then be fitted and adjusted by your personal prosthetist
While we look eagerly to the future with new technologies and techniques ahead of us, we value the traditional craftsmanship brought to us by our technical team. Have a look at this foam cosmetic cover manufacture, from start to finish!